Please note that both versions will be completely identical in terms of content. The HD version, on the other hand, will continue to feature the full range of graphical options, including all maximum-size textures for people, who will want to play on ‘High’ and ‘Very High’ settings. They will thus be able to download a reduced version of the client, which contains all the assets that are necessary to play on up to the ‘Medium’ graphical settings. The SD version is aimed at people who do not wish to play on the highest graphical settings and are looking to save space on their hard drive.
However, what our developers came up with is a way to offer the client in two versions of two different sizes, so that you can decide which one you want based on your particular needs.Īs such, starting with Update 1.4 there will be two versions of the game client – SD and HD. Unfortunately, this is not something that could be implemented easily without compromising on the quality of the game’s assets. What is this new feature?įor a long time now, some of our players have been asking if there were a way to reduce the game’s client size. This article is designed to help you understand what exactly this feature is and how the transition to it will work. As those of you playing Update 1.4 know, there is a new special feature – the SD/HD Client.